Return Policy

Cancel/change your order

ASJMREYE customers’ orders are sent to our warehouse constantly throughout the day so that we can deliver it to you as soon as possible. Therefore, 24 hours after the order has been placed, as long as the order has been transmitted to the warehouse and workers start to deal with it, it cannot be changed or canceled.

If we are unable to meet your request and you receive the item, we kindly ask that you contact us after receiving the package so that we can process the return and give you a refund.

Return/change the product

Please contact us to get your refund after sending the product back to us. Please note that we do not accept returned products that you send back directly without prior confirmation with us.
We support 60 Days Return/Exchange & Refund after the delivery.
To be eligible for a return, the product must be unused and it should be in the same condition as you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
As for all returns, products must be displayed in SALABLE condition. And customers need to provide proof of purchase and at least three photos of the product in full packaging (e.g. front, side, inside) for our verification. The specific photos are subject to confirmation by our after-sales service department. (Service Email: Tel: 213 933 4058)

Returns/exchanges/refunds not arising from the product itself:
In the case that the buyer needs to return/exchange/refund for personal reasons, the customer is required to pay for the return shipping costs. Specific reasons such as:

*The product doesn’t fit the customer’s need
*dislike the color/quality
*Customers change their mind
*Customer ordered a wrong one
*Product is not bought from us
*Not for product quality reasons

About Warranty

5-Year Limited Warranty
Most ASJMREYE Product purchased on or after January 1, 2016 come with a warranty package that includes:
5-Year Limited Warranty. ASJMREYE will repair any defects caused by faulty materials or workmanship at no charge for a period of 5 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover component failure due to normal wear and tear or tool abuse. For more detailed information on warranty coverage and warranty repair information, please visit our Warranty Policy: Warranty Service or contact us by This warranty does not apply to parts or damage caused by repairs or attempts by others. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary in some states or provinces.

 About refunds
*In some cases, only 10%-30% refunds will be given:
Any product that is not in its original condition is damaged or miss parts for reasons that are not our fault(delivery or customer lost some parts).
*The following are situations that no refunds will be given:
1.The order does not meet our return criteria;
2.Returned Items are missing because the customer used a shipping service without a tracking number;
3. The package was destroyed by the carrier because the customer refused to accept it. (cause the package will not be returned to the sender, it will only be destroyed. )

Usual situation
After receiving the product you returned, it takes us 1-2 weeks to organize and exam the returned item.
If the returned item meets our return criteria, we will process the refund as soon as possible. The refund would be back in your card/PayPal within 5 business days. If you do not receive the refund by then, please contact us by email:

Refund is Delayed or lost

If you have not received your refund, please check your PayPal/bank account again first.
If there is still no refund in your account,please contact us as soon as possible by
Please note that the bank needs processing time before a refund is issued.